
United Kingdom-

A timeline of key events in genetic technologies

What has happened -

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5, November 2019 

All children in the UK to receive whole genome sequencing at birth


Genome sequencing for newborn children: analysis and comment

Should We Sequence the Genome of Every Newborn? Scientific American

Should We Sequence the Genome of Every Newborn?

Scientific American

Whole genome sequencing of babies Nuffield Council of Bioethics

Whole genome sequencing of babies

Nuffield Council of Bioethics

Sequencing the genome of every UK baby would be an ethical minefield NewScientist

Sequencing the genome of every UK baby would be an ethical minefield


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2 October 2018

5 million healthy people to be offered genome sequencing in the UK


Polygenic risk scores for healthy people: analysis and comment

5 million healthy people to be offered a new kind of genetic analysis: polygenic risk scoringGenomics England

5 million healthy people to be offered a new kind of genetic analysis: polygenic risk scoring

Genomics England

Genetic risk scores could help the NHS but they aren't ready yetNew Scientist

Genetic risk scores could help the NHS but they aren't ready yet

New Scientist

Polygenic risk: What’s the score?Nature

Polygenic risk: What’s the score?


1 February 2016

Britain allows first genetic modification of embryos


Genetic modification of human embryos: analysis and comment

UK first country to approve genetically modifying human embryosBBC News

UK first country to approve genetically modifying human embryos

BBC News

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UK scientists gain licence to edit genes in human embryos


Britain's first genetically modified human embryos could be created within months The Guardian

Britain's first genetically modified human embryos could be created within months

The Guardian

24 February 2015 -

Mitochondrial DNA transfer

The UK becomes the first country to approve laws to allow the creation of babies from three people


Mitochondrial DNA transfer: analysis and comment

Mitochondrial replacement vote: What you need to know NewScientist

Mitochondrial replacement vote: What you need to know


Scientists cheer vote to allow three-person embryos Nature

Scientists cheer vote to allow three-person embryos


Mitochondrial disease kills 150 children a year. A micro-transplant can cure itThe guardian

Mitochondrial disease kills 150 children a year. A micro-transplant can cure it

The guardian

10 December 2012

UK launches 100,000 Genomes Project

100,000 Genome Project: analysis and comment

DNA of 100,000 people to be mapped for NHSThe guardian

DNA of 100,000 people to be mapped for NHS

The guardian

Genomics: what it could mean for the future of medicineThe Telegraph

Genomics: what it could mean for the future of medicine

The Telegraph

The 100,000 Genomes Project: an overview
