A timeline of key events in genetic techologies
What has happened -
26 JULY 2019
Japan approves first human-animal embryo experiments
Human-animal embryo experimention: analysis and comment
A Japanese stem-cell scientist is the first to receive government support to create animal embryos that contain human cells
Human-animal hybrids to be developed in Japan after ban controversially lifted
The Independent
Japan loosens the rules on human-animal embryos
Financial Times
17 October 2016
Eggs made from skin cells in lab could herald end of infertility
Reproduction revolution: analysis and comment
Fertile, mature eggs have been created from mouse skin cells in the lab for the first time.
New Scientist
Scientists are trying to manufacture eggs and sperm in the laboratory. Will it end reproduction as we know it?
MIT Technology Review
Reproduction revolution: how our skin cells might be turned into sperm and eggs
The Guardian
4 October 2012
Mouse eggs created from stem cells for the first time
The first induced pluripotent stem cells: analysis and comment
Scientists discover that cells can be reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state
How iPS cells changed the world
'A New Era of Medicine’ with iPS Cells